Disclosure Policy

We write sponsored stories to promote businesses that are genuinely ethical in their production and ethos. Ethical blogging and transparency are important to us, which is why all of our sponsored posts will be labelled as “sponsored” below their content.


Eco Friendly Fashion also uses affiliate links which means that if you click through and buy a product, we will earn a small commission. These links may be within posts or in sponsored ads.


We absolutely love to review products first hand but we only review products that are ethically and sustainably produced. We do not guarantee reviews. Gifted items that we review will be identified as such. They may be used as promotional giveaways to our readers. Reviews will always be honest and based on our personal opinion and experience with the products.

We will only post about businesses and products that we love and think our readers will love too. We also post about businesses and products without any form of payment … just because we think they are great and we want to share the word.


Although we are not a full time business we do need funds to help pay for things like web hosting and promotion of our site. It is important to us that we are financially sustainable so we can continue the good work of promoting socially and environmentally responsible businesses.



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