14 Jul Jess Abraham // Eco Kin Series

...for me it's really about checking in with yourself; why am I buying this, do I need that, am I doing this because it's convenient or because it actually aligns with my values?
Tell us a little about yourself and your values?
My name is Jess Abraham, I’m 22 years old and live in Moffat Beach on the Sunshine Coast. Since I was a teenager I’ve been a massive environmental advocate, it’s a really big part of my identity. Responsibility to both people and planet is really important to me and the core ethos of my brand, Tasi Travels.
What does living an “eco-friendly fashion” mean to you? What does this look like in your life?
I think living in an ‘eco-friendly fashion’ ultimately comes down to being conscious in your everyday actions and purchases. I buy all my produce from the farmers markets, it’s a habit passed down to me from my parents and to me that is the way we should eat, I can’t even imagine a time where I would want to buy fruit and vegetables from chain supermarkets. I don’t use single-use plastic (plastic bags, bottles etc) and I am also conscious of the other consumer goods I purchase and how I can reduce the packaging and waste involved. But for me it’s really about checking in with yourself; why am I buying this, do I need that, am I doing this because it’s convenient or because it actually aligns with my values? When we stop to question our actions and actually look at what we are consuming daily, it becomes so simple to see ways to make small changes that can have a huge impact for the environment.
How do you make sure you are being a Conscious Consumer?
What do you think are the biggest obstacles and challenges for people wanting to slow down and become conscious/responsible as consumers?

tasi travels- Jess’s ethically & sustainably made women’s travel wear collection
There's a reason that ethically produced clothing has a higher price tag, because it pays everyone in the supply chain fairly and implements practices that don't harm the environment. There's a quote by Lucy Siegle that says ``fast fashion isn't free, someone somewhere is paying,`` and I think that's the perfect way of explaining it.

What are some of the things you do to slow down?
Surfing is my favourite way to slow down. It’s actually one of the only times that I don’t think, I know that sounds weird but I can be out there for a couple of hours and when I leave the water I can’t recall a single thought that passed through my mind during that time. Being in nature is really important to me, and I definitely notice a difference in my mood and energy if there’s a day I’m really busy and don’t get time to go for a walk or dip in the ocean.
Do you have any advice or tips for people wanting to live a slower, more sustainable lifestyle?

How can people find out more about you and your work?
You can check out Tasi via our website tasitravels.com
// or on Instagram @tasitravels
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