Body Moss

Body Moss

Anything that allows us to scope out good quality, eco wares, minus the shopping centre fast fashion disaster experience is ok by us, which is why we’d like to introduce Body Moss.

Based in Western Australia, and by far, one of the best online eco-shops we’ve seen to date, this clever store services organic, recycled, socially responsible, sustainable, vegan, hand-made and 100% natural products. Phew! Browsing through certainly won’t leave you lacking in inspiration for your cleaner, greener wardrobe.

Boasting sleek labels such as Tamaasa, Lalesso, Indosole, and their own creations by Body Moss themselves, the store is good for both women and men, clothing and jewellery, homewares and decor.

Check them out now at: or FACEBOOK

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Katie Gannon

After running an ethical fashion label for 5 years, I started this blog in 2007 after learning first hand about the importance of sustainability in fashion design. I am a passionate environmentalist and wish to promote individuals and organisations around the world working on innovative design. I have a BA in Communications / Media as well as a Cert IV in Clothing Production, and run my own graphic design company at

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