02 Jan My Why – 2017
2017 marks the 10 year anniversary of this blog. As I look back on the reason I have kept this website going over the past decade, I can proudly and honestly mark out the why that makes me do what I do.
I sincerely want to help retain a sense of beauty and wonder in the world. While we dream of space travel, spiritual awakening, and moving to the next dimension, I feel like many of us have forgotten to appreciate just how marvelous this planet is. The natural beauty of all that surrounds us is a gift that we are unsure exists on any other planet in the universe. If it’s true that our bountiful habitat of forests and lakes, animals and oceans is the only one of it’s kind, I feel that we need to preserve it the best that we can.
Our habits as humans have become sadly out of control. Buying new stuff constantly to fill a void of what we are missing in our lives has become the destructive force behind the pollution that is slowly ruining our atmosphere and our clean spaces. Mostly we are on the hunt for the next thing that will make us FEEL something, if even only for a little while.
Amidst the noise and pace of what has become a societal norm, landfill sites are being added to daily, demand for dirty energy has become maximized to produce the fast-paced fashions that we gullibly fall for every season, and consequently this throwaway culture is causing everything to suffer, including us.
I was aware of this phenomenon ten years ago. I’m even more aware of it now.
My hope is that I can spread information about buying quality. Buying quality means buying into longevity, which means buying less in the long run which saves you money and the time it took you to make that money. Buying quality means having something for life, not just for now. Purchasing things that only serve a purpose in your life. Reducing the amount of waste you produce. Being aware that you can fill your life with meaning without needing THINGS to define you.
Reality is in the sky. It’s in the reflection of a lake. It’s the smell of a flower. It’s the smile of a loved one. It’s all the things we have been blessed with, for whatever mysterious reason. The great news is that we are here right now to experience, appreciate and help to conserve it.
So my why is this: I want to inspire people to live without the bounds of their finances, their status, their jobs and the technology that drives us. I want to be a channel for finding a new way amongst a noisy world of propaganda driven by the back pockets of a greedy few.
My plans for this year: changing the way I shop for clothing and homewares, where I get my energy, how I cool my house, being responsible for what I eat. If you are on this path and want to follow along with your own experiences, I’d love to hear from you.
I thank everyone who has taken the time to read my posts over the last decade, and I would love to hear your inspiration and challenges for 2017 if you have time to write in the comments below. If you’d like to contribute to this blog, please get in touch.
2017, here we come!!! xo
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