Social and Environmental Issues

Recycling initiatives are popping up nearly everywhere you look. As climate change moves further and further into the spotlight, sustainability becomes an increasingly important concern on every level, from national governments to local elementary schools. If you're here, it's likely you've already gotten smarter about...

Making money just isn't so green these days. It seems despite having multiple job choices, we are left with a selection of career moves that tend to eat away at our ecological guilt conscience. According to  ANYA KAMENETZ of Fast Company, there is good news on the horizon...

You don't really NEED that cheap piece of steak tonight do you? Of course you don't! Knowledge is the single greatest threat to factory farming. Sign the pledge, and help us to share the word! Make it Possible from Animals Australia on Vimeo....

I've noticed myself having heated conversations lately about the price of clothing. Mathematically, fabric production + printing & dying + garment worker wages + shipping + retail mark-up in most cases does not reflect the true value of a garment.The TV ad below has been...

PHOTO - Munir Uz Zaman/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images"Distressed Denim" has become one of fashions favourite looks over the past few years, with companies all over the globe sending their denim designs to sandblasting factories to obtain that faded or worn out look.What most of...

You may have read about Sarah Turner in a post we featured earlier last year. Basically what Sarah does, is take discarded plastic bottles and turn them into beautiful art by cleverly washing, sandblasting, sculpting, joining, and in this case, inserting lights into them.Her projects...

Have you ever wondered where your water bottle ends up after you buy it, drink from it, and throw it away? Although some plastic bottles are recycled, it is shocking to know that 340,000,000,000 (340 Billion) bottles and cans are NOT recycled every year! This...

A few days ago in the Age Newspaper (Sydney) an article appeared about a man who bought a $12 fan. On going to the checkout the fan was then discounted to $8, which of course would send most people into a elated state of happiness...

David Attenborough: Death of the Ocean, was screened last night on SBS. Although I regrettably only caught the last half of the doco, I was saddened to sea the chapter on whale communication and the ever-growing problems of container ships. In one case study in the North Atlantic,...

Californian Entrepreneur Paul Ogren is the kinda guy that you might have spotted in a peace activating hippy loving commune in the 1960's. As well as being a student of history, Paul has spent his life pondering and protesting upon why humans retain the futile need to...

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